
Welcome to the AHAHS Television Broadcasting Blog! Stay up to date with course assignments, breaking news, ongoing campus news coverage and more!

Monday, January 28, 2013

What's Your Issue???

Here it is:  Your chance to make the world a better place through journalism!

EVERYONE in the class will be working on a Social Issue project this semester.  This is your Special Report Assignment, and will take the place of your "Beat" during at least one of our broadcasts.

Here are your choices:

1.  Bullying Project (Chris Schueler).  Work begins on this immediately, with a delivery date of final segment on April 1.
See full project description on the back board. 

I need to know who's interested in working with Chris Schueler on the Bullying project.  Again, the opportunity to have your work seen on multiple tv stations around the state, and online, is phenomenal!  Please let me know today if you will sign on to this project.

2.  DWI Project (Lonnie Anderson).  Work begins on this in the next week, with a delivery date TBD.

This Thursday, we'll go to the PAC for a workshop with artist and media guru Lonnie Anderson.  He's asked to work with you-----yes, YOU!!!---on an upcoming collaboration with the NMDOT (New Mexico Department of Transportation).  That means statewide exposure for your work! 

3.  Cuidando Los Ninos (Vittoria Totaro). Work begins on this in one week, with a delivery date of April 15.  NOTE:  This project can have multiple teams, each of which will create a 30-second PSA for one of the following 5 social justice issues relating to poverty
child and family homelessness, education, immigration, unemployment, or domestic violence 
Full project details are printed out and available on the back board.  This is a competition, with monetary prizes for the winners.

4.  Social Issue of your choosing.   Please note that you will have to propose not only the topic, but at least one distribution option in addition to school-wide broadcast.  The end product will be a 60- to 90-second Special Report or 60-second Public Service Announcement (PSA). Work begins on this in one week, with a delivery date of April 1. 

Friday, January 25, 2013

Important eCademy Notice!

"students were required to log in to their ecademy online classes by Tuesday, January 22nd.  If you have not logged in and completed assignments by Tuesday January 29th at 9:00 pm, you will be dropped from your online class(s) to make room for students on the waiting list."  "For students taking traditional F2F classes at ecademy, if you have not reported to your class by Tuesday, January 29th, you will be counted as a "no show" making room for students on the waiting list."

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Guest Workshop: Chris Schueler

Good Morning!  Today, producer Chris Schueler will return to work with the class on the topic of bullying.  Mr. Schueler is producing a documentary on the subject, and is hoping for your insight and input regarding the problem of bullying amongst teens and young people.

This is the first of several "Social Issue" topics that you'll be asked to choose from.  You and a small team of your classmates will produce a report on your chosen topic.

Tomorrow, we'll resume presentations on Career Research.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Sign up for Creative Writing!

Juniors---do you enjoy storytelling?  LOVE writing scripts, short stories, poems and/or novels?  Then sign up for Creative Writing with Mr. Reese!!!  This is an exciting course that explores different writing styles and formats, and can strengthen your expressive skills.
For those who are already in Creative Writing 1, sign up for Creative Writing 2 and it counts as your Senior English course!!!!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Bring an old t-shirt for Thursday; after I check to make sure everyone has submitted their Career Research Presentation, we're headed to the Studio to paint our flats!!  All hands on deck for this one....

Project is Due

Your 5-slide Power Point and half-page script are due at 9:45 a.m. on Thursday (see
"Project Deadline" announcement to the right.  Check your work to ensure that it meets all requirements before submission.  All work will be submitted digitally (see below).  You are encouraged to print a copy of your script, for use during your presentation.

1.  Save your Power Point on your desktop and name it exactly like this:
example: pptshelbyw

2.  Save your script to your desktop and name it exactly like this:

    script(firstname) (last initial)

    example: scriptshelbyw



Saving to the DropBox Folder (printed instructions on front board): 
1.     Click the happy face on your dock, called The Finder
2.     On the left sidebar under Shared,
click  on 32D111 Drop Box

3.   Then double click the folder named
Period 4’s Public Folder
to open it up.
4.     Finally, drag your file with your name from your desktop on top of of the folder for your class. You will see a green plus sign, and your
work will be copied into the

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Creating a Power Point Presentation

(NOTE:  We need to update your Flash Player in order to run this video.  We'll do that first!)

Watch the tutorial if you need help locating Power Point on your computer, and/or if you need help figuring out how to create a basic Power Point presentation.

intro tutorial for Power Point (Mac)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Welcome Back!

Welcome Back!  Hope your Winter Break was restful.  We'll be using this blog page from now on to manage communications, share important information and tools, and maintain our schedule.  Please make sure to "Bookmark" this page for easy access, as we'll log in and check the blog on a daily basis.

To get back in to the swing of things, we're going to do a little "warm-up" investigative research this week.  This will help refocus your skills as a reporter, and strengthen your overall research abilities.

Our first topic/big question is:  "How ready am I for the real world?"  On behalf of your audience (AHAHS students, remember?), you'll be researching potential careers, and gathering the following information from multiple resources:
  1. Summary job description, including skills, requirements and responsibilities associated with your chosen career field.
  2. Number of NM jobs available in your chosen career field.
  3. Average salary for a job in your chosen career field.
  4. Growth rate (positive or negative) for jobs in your chosen career field.
  5. Education and/or training requirements in your chosen career field.
Once you have gathered data on the above, you'll need to write a short summary report about whether available programs here on campus are helping to prepare students for the career field you're investigating.  If AHAHS does not have a specific preparation program (say, for example, Construction and Manufacturing), you'll need to investigate where students can access those programs (CEC, a charter school, etc.).

This is just a list to get you started.  You are encouraged to investigate, and evaluate, additional valid resources.  BE SURE to keep a list of all resources used, and include in your Power Point on the appropriate slide.
 https://www.jobs.state.nm.us/faq.asp?session=faq   Research stats for a specific job field in NM
http://www.dws.state.nm.us/careersolutions/CSS-cluster.html  Investigate Career Clusters in NM
http://lehd.ces.census.gov/datatools/datatools.html  U.S. Census site with links to local employment data (click on the "Industry Focus" and "Data Visualization" links for more info)
http://www.monster.com/  Job posting website that lets you search for a specific job in New Mexico; includes job requirements, like degree or certification, years of experience, specific skills, and salary ranges.
http://www.requirementstobecome.com/index.htm  MASSIVE list of careers, with the skills and training required for each.  Lots of great info!

You will create a Power Point presentation that contains the following info for your audience:
  1. An opening slide that explains the career you're investigating, and the basic responsibilities, skills and requirements for this career.  (For example, "must excel at math" or "physical labor required"  would be key information to include.)
  2. A Data Slide that charts employment info for your chosen career field.  Can be current employment statistics, job growth rates, salary ranges over a period of time, salary increases with additional education/training, or other relevant info.
  3. At least one slide that summarizes the specific education and/or training requirements needed for an entry-level (beginning) position in this career field.
  4. One slide that explains the expected beginning salary range and average salary range for this career field, as well as the number of jobs currently available in New Mexico in this job area.
  5. Current preparatory programs, at AHAHS and beyond (include at least 1 other resource), that may help prepare students for a career in this field; and information about at least one post-secondary program (CNM or other junior college, 4-year college like UNM, or other institution) that offers preparation for your chosen career field.
You will present your Power Point to the class for review, and submit for use during our broadcast this semester, along with a half-page script of your presentation.
Evaluation:  The complete project is worth 55 points.
You will be evaluated on the following:
  1. Adequate time and effort spent researching your career field during class time (5 points).
  2. At least 3 resources cited in your Power Point presentation.  Resource(s) should be cited on the same slide as the information you have obtained from that resource.  Be sure that your resources are fully and accurately cited (6 points).
  3. A Power Point presentation containing the 5 slides listed above, with all required information (25 points).
  4. Professional presentation of your Power Point to the class, utilizing a prepared half-page script that outlines your research on the chosen career field (10 points).
  5. Submission of your Power Point and a half-page script of your presentation by the specified deadline (9 points).